Profile picture of Niall

Meet Niall

Then two big things happened.

1. I moved to a new gym and had to restart my business almost from scratch.

2 I became a dad.

And something odd happened.

I became a bit injured myself, which lead to less training and I started to eat more junk.

This was something I didn’t understand.

I lost muscle, gained fat, felt like crap, felt ashamed every time I munched a packet of biscuits on the way home from work.

I knew exactly what to do, but I wasn’t doing it.

What was wrong with me?

Eventually I realised I was really stressed and everything I was doing was a short term solution to hide from the stress.

I saw my clients in a whole new light.

The people who didn’t stick with the plan weren’t lazy or lacking will power. They were having their own struggles.

It became time to learn about behaviour change and the psychology of how to make long term changes.

This picture was just after I’d finished a 30 mile race, it was a challenge I’d set myself as part of getting rid of the knee and shoulder issues and starting to feel like myself again.

(To be honest it was at least half an hour after as I’ve never felt so green after a race before…luckily there was homemade cake at the finish line to get the old energy back).

Hi, that’s me in the pic.

I know I look more likely to be found in the local library rather than the weights section of a gym but there you go.

I’ve been coaching since 2001 so I don’t think the local library will find my CV very appealing.

Back in those hazy days of the early noughties I thought I was the bees knees at coaching, after all I had a fancy looking certificate that said so.

But things took a turn, I discovered that people were pretty complicated with a whole host of struggles.

The most common questions were around nutrition and what to eat.

To be honest, I got pretty confused with it all myself…are carbs good or the devils spawn etc.

So I found people smarter than me and learned from them, especially the guys at Precision Nutrition (I hold their level 2 master coach certificate).

As the food became clearer I realised that more people were joining the gym with shoulder pain, low back pain, dodgy knees and all the other niggles and creaks..

Back I went to more books, workshops and qualifications.

It was really great to see people coming through the limitations that were holding them back and really love the freedom of a niggle free body.

Niall after 30 mile running race celebrating with his daughter

My own experience and seeing the struggles of my clients have lead me to this point, where I want A Tribe Called Fit to be the one stop place for people who are feeling unsatisfied with their health.

Instead of seeing a personal trainer who gives them some exercises and hopes for the best. My coaching aims to help you over all the variety of hurdles that crop up when you’re trying to make a lasting change. We’ll iron out the niggles and pains then build upon those foundations to give you a body that is energetic, doesn’t feel like it might break and give you more energy than you’ve had in years.